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The proof is in the sharing


Some good news this week.

An infographic we produced to help people, well, produce good infographics, amongst other things, was picked up by the PR Daily website. And a few days later the Alltop website posted the same content.

Together they won our fledgling agency a bit of international coverage.

We picked up an extra 80 company website visits the day of the PR Daily post and 200 visits on the day of the Alltop post.
A few hundred more have followed as the week has progressed.

Some of these visits are now new friends on our Facebook page – we’re delighted to have you.
Some of them shared this graphic content (around 700) via PR Daily, Alltop or our website’s social tools, amongst their own networks.

So far we’ve also developed two new interesting business leads.

Hey, we didn’t go viral, but we did nicely demonstrate what we’d hoped we would to our clients.

What was that?
The infographic, which has simple, broad appeal and a clear, easy message, took the young LE brand to a group of relevant individuals and businesses we wouldn’t otherwise have been able to reach.
No ads, no PPC, no brochure.

We offered them something pretty and useful, and they duly shared it for us.
Of course its use and value to us will have a life of its own from now on, across the web. And from time to time it will feed us more visits. And more friends.

But the key message here for clients is that good content is valuable to you because it’s shareable.


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